Radiology and Imaging Specialists’ Dr. Kevin Sawyer Appointed as a Volunteer Professor of Radiology at the University of Central Florida

Kevin J. Sawyer, MDAugust 23, 2017 – Kevin Sawyer, M.D. has been appointed as a volunteer professor of radiology at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Sawyer will be teaching fourth year medical students during their radiology rotation at the Heart of Florida Medical Center as part of the partnership between the University of Central Florida Medical School and Radiology Imaging Specialists.

In addition to his teaching duties, Dr. Sawyer is a full-time staff radiologist with Radiology and Imaging Specialists in Lakeland. He specializes in abdominal imaging and will be bringing his years of experience as a practicing, board certified radiologist to his students. As a volunteer professor he will give students a hands-on overview of radiology and its role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Eventually, his role will expand to include on-campus lectures at UCF and designing a fourth year radiology elective class for students.

The UCF College of Medicine was established in 2006 and is the first new medical school to be built from the ground up in the U.S. in decades. They feature a unique hands-on, high tech approach to training doctors for the 21st century. In addition to their classroom and laboratory curriculum, the UCF College of Medicine has formed strategic partnerships and alliances with local health systems and medical practices to provide a robust and well-rounded medical education for their students. Radiology and Imaging Specialists is proud to be affiliated with the UCF College of Medicine and have a role in shaping the medical education of future doctors.

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